TEAM Baker Compact
We are a partnership of students, staff, parents, and community members working together in a shared leadership approach. We value our students, parents, community and one another and believe a collaborative effort will produce, honest, academically focused, independent, lifelong learners. We set high academic standards and believe every child can succeed.
As a parent at Baker School, I will:
- Provide a work place for homework and read with him/her a minimum of 4 times per week.
- Review homework with my child. Sign (if required by the teacher) and return the homework as instructed.
- Monitor my child’s homework and other school projects to ensure completion and support school interventions if the homework is incomplete.
- Send my child to school on time every day prepared to learn; having received adequate rest and breakfast if the child does not eat breakfast at school. I will call the school if my child is absent.
- Insist that my child show courteous and respectful behavior to students and staff.
- Review the State Standards and Assessment Reports and understand what is required for my child’s grade level.
- Attend and/or participate in a minimum of 4 activities which include:
- Back to School Night
- Parent/Teacher Organization Meetings
- Assemblies/Programs
- Volunteer in Classrooms
- Science Fair
- Informal Conferences
- Volunteer Reader
- Family/Parent Conferences
- Field Trips Workshops
- Attend all formal parent conferences and meetings.
As a student at Baker School I will:
- Be respectful, honest and courteous to others and conduct myself in a manner that promotes learning for all.
- Give my parents all folders/papers sent from school and return them as required.
- Take responsibility to achieve my personal best, do all of my work to learn, follow all the school rules, and ask for help when I need it.
- Complete all assignments and return them on time, including my home reading books. If not completed, a suitable consequence will follow.
- Take pride in doing my share to keep my school and classroom clean.
- Read daily with an adult.
- Attend school regularly and be on time with the materials I need for school.
As a staff member at Baker School, I will:
- Promote student decision-making, self-confidence and responsibility.
- Report and keep in contact with parents regularly regarding student progress and classroom instruction (standards/assessment).
- Provide quality instruction for all students, based upon the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
- Maintain a well-managed classroom conducive to student learning.
- Send home a school-wide newsletter, the school calendar and information on classroom events.
As the Principal at Baker School, I will:
- Create a welcoming and positive environment at our school.
- Inform students and parents about the school's educational programs, mission, and goals.
- Ensure that we are on track to meet our school wide academic goals, implementing successful programs to meet our academic and school-wide goals.
- Support the partnership between parent, student, staff, and community.
- Encourage parents to be actively involved in their child's education.
- Provide appropriate workshops for teachers and parents.