We are a partnership of students, staff, parents, and community members working together in a shared leadership approach. We value our students, parents, community and one another and believe a collaborative effort will produce, honest, academically focused, independent, lifelong learners. We set high academic standards and believe every child can succeed.


As a parent at Baker School, I will:

  1. Provide a work place for homework and read with him/her a minimum of 4 times per week.
  2. Review homework with my child. Sign (if required by the teacher) and return the homework as instructed.
  3. Monitor my child’s homework and other school projects to ensure completion and support school interventions if the homework is incomplete.
  4. Send my child to school on time every day prepared to learn; having received adequate rest and breakfast if the child does not eat breakfast at school. I will call the school if my child is absent.
  5. Insist that my child show courteous and respectful behavior to students and staff.
  6. Review the State Standards and Assessment Reports and understand what is required for my child’s grade level.
  7. Attend and/or participate in a minimum of 4 activities which include:
    • Back to School Night
    • Parent/Teacher Organization Meetings
    • Assemblies/Programs
    • Volunteer in Classrooms
    • Science Fair
    • Informal Conferences
    • Volunteer Reader
    • Family/Parent Conferences
    • Field Trips Workshops
  8. Attend all formal parent conferences and meetings.


As a student at Baker School I will:

  1. Be respectful, honest and courteous to others and conduct myself in a manner that promotes learning for all.
  2. Give my parents all folders/papers sent from school and return them as required.
  3. Take responsibility to achieve my personal best, do all of my work to learn, follow all the school rules, and ask for help when I need it.
  4. Complete all assignments and return them on time, including my home reading books. If not completed, a suitable consequence will follow.
  5. Take pride in doing my share to keep my school and classroom clean.
  6. Read daily with an adult.
  7. Attend school regularly and be on time with the materials I need for school.


As a staff member at Baker School, I will:

  1. Promote student decision-making, self-confidence and responsibility.
  2. Report and keep in contact with parents regularly regarding student progress and classroom instruction (standards/assessment).
  3. Provide quality instruction for all students, based upon the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
  4. Maintain a well-managed classroom conducive to student learning.
  5. Send home a school-wide newsletter, the school calendar and information on classroom events.


As the Principal at Baker School, I will:

  1. Create a welcoming and positive environment at our school.
  2. Inform students and parents about the school's educational programs, mission, and goals.
  3. Ensure that we are on track to meet our school wide academic goals, implementing successful programs to meet our academic and school-wide goals.
  4. Support the partnership between parent, student, staff, and community.
  5. Encourage parents to be actively involved in their child's education.
  6. Provide appropriate workshops for teachers and parents.


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Tutoring will be available soon. Check back soon for updates.

Adult School

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Adult school is now in session. For more information regarding enrollment and program availability, please refer to our Adult School page.

Minimum Days

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Early release every other Wednesday. Please refer to the disctrict calendar for exceptions and details.