A college and career ready student is one who is equipped with a specific set of skills and knowledge necessary to meet the demands of the 21st Century. These skills and knowledge come from five main categories:

Academic and Content Knowlege

This category includes compentency in the core subjects and their applications.

  • Proficiency in English language arts, literacy, math, science and social studies
  • Capacity to process, retain and apply content knowledge in relevant situations
  • Digital and technological savviness including understanding what resources are available and when to use them

Cognitive and Higher-Order Thinking

This category refers to the processing and interpreting of information.

  • Independence in formulating hypothesis, critical thinking, problem solving and reasoning
  • Ability to identify, analyze and evaluate differing or conflicting viewpoints

Social and Emotional Intelligences

This category encompasses a wide range of skill sets, which are often referred to as "soft" skills. These skills are learned throughout a student's life.

  • Strong sense of self-awareness and self-management
  • Social awareness including possessing a cultullay sensitive set of values, beliefs and attitudes

College and Career Preparedness

This category includes having knowledge of resources for life after school.

  • Knowledge of college academic programs and the sequencing of college-level coursework
  • Knowledge of exploration tools used to navigate roadmaps to higher education and career options
  • Knowledge of college and career requirements, including financial support opportunities

Employability and Life Skills

Graphic showing direction arrows for paths leading to University, Career and Technical.

This category includes a wide set of skills desired by employers and expected of all citizens.

  • Self-directed lifelong learners capable of ownership and accountability
  • Ability to adapt communication toward a specific audience, task and/or purpose
  • Time management, collaboration and teamwork, organization and intellectual openness
  • Civic engagement and responsibilities of all citizens 


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Tutoring will be available soon. Check back soon for updates.

Adult School

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Adult school is now in session. For more information regarding enrollment and program availability, please refer to our Adult School page.

Minimum Days

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Early release every other Wednesday. Please refer to the disctrict calendar for exceptions and details.