Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation or Bullying

Reporting Other Types of Complaints

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in all educational programs and activities. There may be times when a member of the Baker Valley Unified School District (""BVUSD"") Community experiences different forms of discrimination. In cases like these, people may choose to file a Uniform Complaint using the Uniform Complaint Form and sending the complaint to:

Cecil Edwards
Title IX Coordinator
72100 School House Lane,
Baker, CA 92309
(760) 733-4567
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Except as may otherwise be specifically provided in Board Policies, the Uniform Complaint Procedures shall be used only to investigate and resolve complaints alleging (1) violations of federal or state laws or regulations governing specific educational programs, (2) the prohibition against requiring students to pay fees, deposits, or other charges for participating in educational activities, and (3) unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in educational programs. Employment discrimination, harassment, or retaliation claims shall not be processed through the Uniform Complaint Procedure. (5 CCR 4661.) For employment claims see Discrimination or harassment of employees or job applicants, Board Policy 4030, and Administrative Regulations 4031.

The California Code of Regulations (Title 5, Section 4600 et seq.) requires the districts, among other things, to adopt and publish procedures referred to as the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) that provide for prompt and equitable resolution of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying complaints. The District must notify students, employees, and parents, as well as others, of its local complaint procedures and identify the person or persons responsible for processing complaints.

If you are a student, parent or interested third party or organization and you want to report an instance of discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying, a complaint must be filed with the District no later than six months from the date the incident occurred, or the date you first obtained knowledge that the incident occurred.

For a comprehensive list of complaint and inquiry processes, please visit the District Complaints and Inquiries webpage.


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Tutoring will be available soon. Check back soon for updates.

Adult School

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Adult school is now in session. For more information regarding enrollment and program availability, please refer to our Adult School page.

Minimum Days

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Early release every other Wednesday. Please refer to the disctrict calendar for exceptions and details.